As a valued customer, we are thrilled to introduce our Carhartt Loyalty Program, designed to reward your unwavering loyalty to our brand. By joining this exclusive program, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a range of exceptional benefits that will enhance your Carhartt experience.
Exclusive Discounts and Rewards:
Discount | Reward |
Up to 20% off all regular-priced items | Early access to new releases and exclusive products |
Free shipping on orders over $50 | Members-only promotions and discounts |
Loyalty points for every purchase | Birthday rewards and personalized offers |
Personalized Shopping Experience:
Benefit | How-to |
Tailored recommendations based on your purchase history | Create an account and track your purchases |
Access to a dedicated customer support line | Join the program and provide your contact information |
Convenient order tracking and management | Link your Carhartt account to your email address |
Mobile App Integration:
Feature | Benefit |
Easy program management and rewards tracking | Download the Carhartt app and create an account |
In-store barcode scanning for instant rewards | Scan the QR code at participating stores |
Mobile payment and checkout for seamless shopping | Activate the mobile payment option in the app |
Tiered Membership System:
Tier | Benefits |
Bronze | Standard discounts and exclusive promotions |
Silver | Premium discounts, early access to new releases, and loyalty bonuses |
Gold | VIP treatment, personalized shopping experiences, and exclusive rewards |
How do I join the Carhartt Loyalty Program?
Simply visit our website or create an account in the Carhartt app to enroll and start earning rewards.
Are there any membership fees?
No, membership to the Carhartt Loyalty Program is completely free and open to all qualifying customers.
How do I redeem my loyalty points?
You can redeem your loyalty points at checkout on our website or in participating stores.
Join the Carhartt Loyalty Program today to unlock a world of exclusive benefits and enhance your shopping experience. Create an account now and start earning rewards on your favorite Carhartt gear!